Saturday, July 23, 2011

Seriously, how many brain surgeries are too many?

My fourth one.  It feels like like a scary story that never seems to end!  This surgery had all sorts of complications that none of us were expecting. Most significant, I fell into a coma for a few days, and my doctor told my family to prepare for the worst, as he truly didn't think I would ever make it through. To add to the nightmare, I was not able to breath on my own, and therefore intubated, I contracted pneumonia, developed blood clots, and had terrible swelling of my brain, which caused excruciating pain.  Even still, I came out of the coma, and only stayed for two more days in ICU (when they thought I'd be there for at least two more weeks).  After a couple of weeks on the rehab floor I was eventually sent home to continue my healing.  Now at home I am recovering quite rapidly, despite some of the serious side effects (which are most directly related to over-stimulation and organizational strategies).

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