Saturday, May 28, 2011

Fourth Surgery Update 4

May 28, 2011

7:53 AM

Dorene finally got some rest last night as David spent the night in Tamara's room. Tamara stayed the same through the night and did not get worse. The doctor explained that that is good for one in intensive care. She was so critical that they did a CAT scan at 3:00 am last night. During the night she began to get a little better.

Tamara was breathing on her own and the ventilator should come out in an hour. Tamara is tied down to keep her from pulling the breathing tube out of her throat. She is so strong that she raised up off the bed trying to get it out. The nurse asked her to move her toes and Tamara responded and did so. Tamara's eyes followed David's voice. The doctor explained that she is aware that David is there but will not remember it when she wakes up. The nurses were so grateful that David was there last night to help hold Tamara still.

8:39 AM

Dorene talked to the nurse. Tamara's lungs are getting better. Her pneumonia is improving. The doctor is expected to come this morning to see her. Thankfully Tamara's doctor is scheduled for this weekend.

They took the breathing tube out of Tamara's throat and she came to. David was at her side. Tamara said, “What happened to me?” David told her that she had been out for two days and had been on a breathing tube. Tamara said, “No way!” Then she said, “I'm cold,” asked for a blanket and then said “brush my teeth!” and went to sleep. Dorene said, “It was good that David was right there when she woke up because then she said something to him. He was absolutely so worried. He needed to hear from his wife.”

I told Dorene that there were those who were fasting today. Some fasted yesterday. Jonathan spoke of faith to be healed and of having our faith being tested. He said, “It is a beautiful lesson that we are learning about faith.”

I know that Dorene and Jonathan and David and Tamara are grateful for all of your prayers.

David's sister Sylvia is relieving Dorene. Tamara had requested that the family be at her son's graduation from kindergarten at noon today. Tamara's family is honoring her request.

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