Thursday, May 20, 2010

As If 3 Brain Surgeries Weren't Enough...

On Sunday, I was helping my husband get the bikes down from the rafters in our garage. As I was holding the bike so it wouldn't fall, I was hit with a unpleasant (and very painful) surprise. The large U-shaped metal bike lock fell directly onto my head. I was rushed to the emergency room, due to the immense pain, and because I couldn't talk for many hours. My five year old son gave me a homemade bracelet, so that I could remember him while I was gone. Poor little guy thought I would be gone for a long time (for my most recent brain surgery, I was in the hospital for an entire month). Honestly, I thought 3 brain surgeries was enough trauma!!! Let's add just a little more trauma to my already traumatized head. In situations like this, I have realized that I simply need to look at the bright side of things, otherwise it is easy to get depressed. In my situation, I am grateful that I can talk again because that was a bit challenging. Also, I am very lucky that it didn't fracture my skull, or hurt my eye.

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